Fish Fritters

Serves 2-3

“I must eat more fish” is one of those good intentions people often have like regular exercise or sighting unicorns. Vague bright ideas tend to remain in fantasy corners of the brain until a practical way to apply them is found, along with pleasing results to inspire habitual practice.

Numbers help. Fish and seafood two-three times weekly is a workable plan. Lunch time is sensible – particularly if other household members are not so keen on this version of virtue. At dinner encourage receptivity by slipping fish into otherwise enjoyed forms of presentation. Most children and adults like fritters. Other options are stir-fry with cashews and pineapple; curry, satay or sweet and sour sauce mixtures with veg; squid rings or prawns with pasta; mashed sardines or other high flavour fish in with mashed potato or kumara as a patty, pie crust or casserole base. See The Shape Diet for my well tested recipes for wooing the fish-phobic.

Eating fish just twice weekly (especially dark or oily types) is associated with a surprising 40% drop in certain key risk factors for cardiovascular disease. See my HEALTH STORE report The Heart of the Matter: Significant Strategies for Preventing – and Repairing – Heart, Arterial, Stroke amd other Cardiovascular Damage.

Serve these fritters with kumara or potato wedges and salad. Or steam a brightly coloured medley of vegetables and toss with lemon juice, olive oil and sea salt with kelp*.

3 large free-range eggs
½ cup drained tinned tuna or salmon* or your preferred
chopped raw fish or seafood such as squid or prawns
½ cup + 2 Tbsp dry gluten-free breadcrumbs or crackercrumbs*
2 spring onions, chopped
1 small courgette, grated
1 tsp dried dill leaf (or 1 Tbsp fresh)
1 tsp sea salt with kelp*
1 tsp gluten-free baking powder
about 1 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil*

In a medium bowl lightly beat the eggs. Stir in the fish – if tinned, roughly crush to break into small chunks. Stir in breadcrumbs, courgette, dill and salt. Immediately before frying, stir in the baking powder.

Place the oil in a large cast iron frypan. Over low-medium heat, add heaped spoonfuls of batter to make 12 fritters. Cook about 3 minutes on each side, turning only once. Cook just until lightly browned and well risen – overcooking will make them less moist and tender.

Shopping & Preparation Tips*

• Fish: use plain varieties of tinned fish. Most seasoned versions contain sugar, artificial additives as well as wheat and dairy.

• Breadcrumbs: save any end pieces or other left-over top quality bread or crackers. Break into small pieces and keep in a bag in the freezer until full. Defrost and whiz in food processor until in small crumbs. Freeze until needed. Use for patties, fritters, savoury loaves, meatballs, burgers, stuffing for meat or vegetables, or to crumb tofu, fish, meat, or vegetarian rissoles.

• Sea Salt: most table salt is highly processed over extreme heat, devoid of all minerals except sodium chloride, and mixed with additives. Sea salt is dehydrated from sea water. Different sources have different amounts and ranges of minerals but are still low in iodine (also low in New Zealand soils). Iodine is critical for thyroid function (see my website TIPS page: Thyroid), body temperature, metabolism, vitality and immunity. Kelp and other seaweeds are top sources. Pacific Harvest and Malcolm Harker brands are in health stores, sensibly priced and have great flavour which really adds to the result. You can use them for all salt needs.

• Oil: olive oil is 76% monounsaturated and 10% saturated which helps it resist oxidation (or damage such as from heat). Most supermarket oils are extracted with the use of high heat, chemical solvents, bleaches, deodorisers and more. This damages fats and those who eat them, especially promoting inflammation evident with most disease (TIPS: Inflammation). Cold-pressed or extra-virgin means cold mechanical pressure was used instead. This is more expensive but worth it. For more information on oils, cooking and health properties see TIPS: The Fats of Life.

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